Sinatra Memorial Home, Inc.
499 Yonkers Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10704
Flowers for Sinatra Memorial Home, Yonkers
New York State law mandates all Funeral Homes to publish a General Price List which is available to all consumers. Our general price list is a schedule of fees for services and merchandise offered by Sinatra Memorial Home.
A typical funeral with a one day wake ($7425.00) is based on a full service wake which includes: transfer of remains, embalming, dressing and placement into casket, basic arrangements, supervision of the wake and funeral service, use of the funeral home for visitation and a local hearse. Additional items to our basic charges would be a casket, vault or outer container, memorial package, additional man on house transfer, limousines, hairdresser (for woman), flowers, clothing and newspaper notices. Cash advances are those items that are independent of the funeral home charges, these items include cemetery or crematory, church or clergy, certified copies of death certificate, permit fees, pallbearers and gratuities.